Monday, October 06, 2008

Projo Local Coverage

Dead? It seems like it. Middletown coverage was from Projo's Meaghan Wims who is now adios. Meaghan was an experienced reporter with knowledge of the local scene. Shows how much that is worth. With Projo's cutbacks, the reasons that you actually read it (Local News) seem to be gone.

Bad for all of us. Perhaps good for the local publications.

And yet their prices are up. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

As someone who frequently reads most of the local papers from around the state on the web, let this be my public plea to them to put more of their content online. As the ProJo gets worse and worse for local coverage, we need them more than ever. Moreover, I often get very valuable perspective on Statehouse happenings from Joe Baker in the NDN and Jim Baron in the Woonsocket Call and Pawtucket Times. But I can't read them if they're not online.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you & have spoken to them about it. It's just not on their agenda.
Try posting the same comment on Joe Baker's blog.