Monday, August 11, 2008

Deb Ruggiero on the Issues

August 11, 2008
Contact: Deb Ruggiero at 487-6415

Deb Ruggiero, House of Representatives Democratic Candidate for District 74 Questions Timing of Opponent’s Involvement in Underage Drinking

Deb Ruggiero, Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives, (D-74 Jamestown and Middletown) today questions her opponent’s timing of a press conference in light of his lack of leadership for 28 years on the need for underage drinking legislation in the Ocean State.

“Underage consumption of alcohol is a problem faced by more and more families,” said Ruggiero. “Opening the lines of communications between law enforcement and parents and teenagers, and working with organizations such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a good start. I question my opponent’s leadership in getting legislation out of committee after 28 years in office; and frankly, the timing of his press conference today is interesting knowing that he’s in a tough election.”

“There are many underlying issues related to teen drinking,” she said. “Underage drinking is a serious and complicated issue. He’s been a state legislator for 28 years and he’s just figuring this out now? That’s why it’s time for change that moves us towards solutions.”

Ruggiero promises that her campaign will be inclusive on this issue and other pressing issues including her 4 E’s Platform:
· Establishing Economic stability
· Prioritizing Educational access and opportunity
· Helping the Elderly
· Protecting the Environment

“After 28 years, it’s time for change,” said Ruggiero. “It takes more than an election year press conference to solve this complicated issue. We need education and communication, not just punitive legislation, to keep our kids from drinking.”

Ruggiero, whose strength is communications and working across boundaries with the business community, the media, and non-profit organizations to realize positive results for the public, will work hard to be the “voice of hope” for individuals and families and the change that’s needed in the House of Representatives, representing her constituency in Jamestown and Middletown.

“As a native Rhode Islander, homeowner in Jamestown and a businesswoman, I understand and share the difficulties facing voters,” she said. “Like you, I am fed up with what’s going on. I entered this campaign because it’s time for change.”


Anonymous said...

I have been working on substance abuse prevention in Jamestown for the past fifteen years, statewide for even longer. Underage drinking has just become a "hot" issue in the past year, mostly because of the Barrington tragedies. A few years ago, I personally invited Representative Long to attend the Jamestown Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force meetings, where he had the opportunity to listen to teens, parents and other adults. He didn't have to support prevention, but he has chosen to advocate for positive change more than anyone else I have worked with. The Substance Abuse Prevention Task Forces were almost eliminated this year, but were literally saved by Representative Long's intervention at the state level. I hope that you are sincere in caring about this issue. We need all the advocates we can get. Representative Long has already proven himself to be invaluable.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info

Anonymous said...

I smell a rat... I watched the coverage on Channel 10 and clearly this was a press conference hosted by Representative Long, yet on WPRO the station where Ms. Ruggiero works, there was no mention of Representative Long, it was just "local law-makers." Perhaps Ms. Ruggiero who is in management at WPRO put the word out not to mention Representative Long? But in light of recent allegations of ratings fixing by WPRO morning host John DePietro, fair play is foreign to WPRO media "personalities." As a Jamestown voter I don't mind listening to new ideas, but I hate to feel like I am being sold a bill of goods by media slicksters.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't strike me odd at all that one news source would run a story & another would not.

When the scandal broke re: Rep. Long it was turned down by two local networks, the NDN, & Projo.

Some may have read it as too political right now. Could this have waited until after the beginning of Nov.? Duh. The Lege isn't meeting now & the bill isn't written yet. Nice try, though.

It's all about distract, distract, distract. Why not have your mother standing there with a freshly baked apple pie? Not politically oriented? Pulease.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Anonymous said...

You should read the Providence Journal story about Representative Long's press conference and it will leave little doubt that WPRO purposely omitted the Representative's name from the story. I guess if Ms. Ruggiero feels like she can't compete fairly on the issue, then she can use her influence at the radio station to keep his name out of the story. Pretty sad if you ask me and clearly not the kind of "change" we need. Perhaps she should add another "E" to her platform for "eyes" as in pull the wool over.

Link to Projo story:

Anonymous said...

I'm always suspicious of "anonymous" attack comments. This all-talk radio station which has had troubled ratings would certainly jump on any story if it thought it was worth it. I don't know that Ruggiero even works there, much less is able to dictate policy to Citadel Broadcasting owned by Disney.
Maybe you need your own blog? Stupid is as stupid does after all.

billyfoster said...

You should read the Providence Journal story about Representative Long's press conference and it will leave little doubt that WPRO purposely omitted the Representative's name from the story. I guess if Ms. Ruggiero feels like she can't compete fairly on the issue, then she can use her influence at the radio station to keep his name out of the story. Pretty sad if you ask me and clearly not the kind of "change" we need. Perhaps she should add another "E" to her platform for "eyes" as in pull the wool over.
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