Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I don't usually blather on about birthdays, but here I am- 61! When you have a parent who dies fairly young (dad- age 53), you learn about human frailty early. I never believed that I'd make it this far, but, I did!

What have I learned in 60 years? Not a whole lot but it's time to ruminate a bit:

1. Life is not fair. Celebrate when it is. Strive for it.

2. Life is short. Have fun- laugh long,loud, & often. If it's not fun- make it so. If you can't- pretend it is. If people don't like you doing any of the former, try to avoid them.

3. Be around kids. Play. Speak to them. Listen to their jokes. Consider it a rare honor.

4. Appreciate your surroundings & try to make them beautiful.

5. Money is important. It doesn't guarantee happiness, but it sure helps.

6. Keep educating yourself. Read.

7. Exercise. You'll probably live longer than you think.

8. Do a favor for someone whenever you can. Be generous. Just because.

9. Honor older citizens. Spend some time with them.

10. Try something new whenever the opportunity presents itself.

11. Enjoy your memories, but keep it short, stupid (KISS).

12. Encourage your passions, open up your mind, turn up your nose at no one, change your mind about something, and remember to PLAY!

11. Have a pet.

12. Family is important. So are friends. Keep the good ones & make new ones.

13. Beaches, ocean access, forests, parks, etc. are wonderful places.

14. Age gracefully? Screw that one.


Ed Silveira said...



Unknown said...

Thank you! Now that I'm no longer "working for the man," most every day is a great day!

bookworm said...

Happy Birthday, Eileen! I like your birthday thoughts, very wise!