Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rhode Island Senate Race & Newport's De Ramel for Secretary of State

This is an interesting take on Rhode Island's Senate race. Blogger speculates as to why some candidates get a LOT of free coverage while others get zilch. Makes you wonder. Daily News has not even acknowledged Guillaume de Ramel from Newport who is running for Sec'y of State. Why? Bright, articulate guy who is well-funded and brings a breath of fresh air onto the political scene.

1 comment:

Thomas Kalinowski said...

Whoops! Duplicate post.

With the troubles Matt Brown has been having lately, the local media are either going to have to start giving Sheeler more coverage, or stop reporting on the Democratic primary altogether. I have an uneasy feeling I know which one they'll choose.

Btw, Eileen, congrats on making it onto Kiersten Marek's Worthy Blogs roster. Soon you will rule the Ocean State blogosphere with an iron fist.

And on a completely different topic, do you know anyone in Middletown who would be interested in canvassing in Newport on the 29th?