Saturday, April 29, 2006

Give Those High Income Rhode Island Taxpayers a Break!

Reduce their taxes (supposedly) and THEY WILL COME. Drenching us, of course, with millions of dollars!

Maybe this guest editorial would have more impact if a bank teller had written it rather than the CEO (who earned over ONE MILLION DOLLARS) of Bank Rhode Island. Bank Rhode Island also has invested big bucks in Riverfront Lofts. This is a condo project with prices ranging from $295 - $725,000 ($220 sq. ft.) in Fox Point. They also are receiving a 10 yr. tax break. Hmm, want to bet it's a slower market than they thought?

Editorial would have a lot more impact if it was written by someone who wouldn't be a top beneficiary. Imagine, a bank CEO wanting lower income taxes on the wealthiest Rhode Islanders! Shocking? Not exactly a "man bites dog" story. Last year Bank Rhode Island posted record earnings. As she pointed out in the article, "This isn't about whether we think it 'fair'"..." Damn straight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simple question really. There's 9,000 folks who'd benefit from these breaks. Do we REALLY think they will leave RI for this reason alone?

Do we really think wealthy executives will bring their companies to RI because of the tax cuts if we also don't have quality education for the labor pools they'll need and send their kids to our schools?

Pur and simple, wealthy folks have more clout and vote.....