Friday, April 28, 2006

Secretary of State Candidates Stenhouse & DeRamel Duke it out!

Sue Stenhouse doesn't like the idea of 16 yr. olds pre-registering. 17 is good enough! Guillaume DeRamel thinks early registration would encourage civic participation.

The UNANIMOUS results of my totally scientific blog poll was overwhelmingly in FAVOR of early 16 yr. old pre-registration. The fact that my 16 yr. old voted at least twice(?maybe more) had NO BEARING whatsoever on these reults:

The WINNER of Round 1!
Go Guillaume!

1 comment:

Thomas Kalinowski said...

I've already made my own thoughts on this topic known (and voted in the poll, though only once), so I won't repeat myself. I will say that I'm glad to see Stenhouse and de Ramel debating an actual issue. Way to go, guys, and keep it up! And thanks, Eileen, for keeping us up to date on this. I think you've scooped everyone else in Rhode Island on this issue.