Thursday, June 11, 2009

Donnybrook Brewing in Prov.

Have you been following this? Prov.'s Mayor Cicilline seems surprised that a mayors' conference (June 12-16) planned for a number of years is going to be picketed by Unionists. Oddly enough, go to the conference web site and you'd never know there is a problem, let alone that V.P. Biden & many other White House officials will be no-shows. Well, duh, this isn't the first time it's happened. Let's see- '04, '07, '08. It was inevitable & now Prov. officials seem surprised & shocked, yes, shocked, that the fire dept. is angry that the Mayor promised them a contract & after 7 yrs. they're still waiting.

So now invitees are cancelling & other groups are planning on joining the picket lines. What? You've never walked a picket line? Ever run into one & consider crossing it? Never? Wow, you've led a secluded life. I recall many years ago when I went grocery shopping with my mom. Some of the union workers there were striking & picketing. My mom would not cross that line, food purchases would just have to wait. I don't cross either.

"That individual protestors and/or protest groups give notice in writing of the maximum number of persons participating, and the names and addresses of the organizers of any such march, assembly, meeting or gathering, its route, and its time of inception and duration at least 24 hours before such inception." (There is a special form here). Yes, we know that you have the right to assembly, but we don't want to make it too easy for you.

So the city suddenly decides that it is need of some new picketing rules. You must sign up 24 hrs. in advance, stand in certain places only, be prepared for searches if you have a backpack, or bad, etc. Oh, and no glass bottles. Wow, shades of '68 & "the whole world is watching."

So far, here are the group participants in the pickets:

•Local 799, International Association of Fire Fighters
•Lodge 3, Fraternal Order of Police
•Local 217, United Here
•People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
•Direct Action for Rights and Equality
•Local 1199, Service Employees International Union (Providence Head Start employees)

Hmm, I'm kinda curious about the Animal group. Well, I suppose that firemen are animals or maybe it's in the interests of the old firehouse dog (more treats- now!). This conference will attrack world-wide coverage now- for you does/does not show up. Will some agreement be reached before all this comes-to-be? LOL! More later with updates as the come in.

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