Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Middletown's Senior Center

I'm planning a few short articles on the local Senior Center. The only thing that has been slowing me down is a lack of energy. Guess, all that mojo is going into the healing process.

I chose the center for a number of reasons which will become evident. Before any hubub even begins, I have no hidden agenda or target here. "Nothing but the facts, ma'am." Yes, once again I'm actually dating myself. I do remember "Dragnet."

I intend to point out some problems with this town department, perhaps something of its history & a plan for what the future may bring. Yes, it has to do with $. To think that the town can continue to operate status quo, is naive & dangerous. Changes will happen and soon.

Rather than one long article, I'll make the postings short & frequent. Mind you, I support a Senior Center. If it were up to me & we had the funds, I'd support a total rec center for all groups. But we're a small island. These are areas where working island or even county-wide would work and result in better, more cost-effective programming.

I'll try & get the first posting up tomorrow. So disarm those little pistols and remember (sob, sob), that I, too, am a SENIOR.


Anonymous said...

What is most evident and a complete disservice to all seniors in Middletown is a Director that serves on a local political party and uses the center as influence for her own agenda. This has lead to a breakdown of support for those most in need in our community. Transparency has become the new buzz-word. I hope the present director, Arlene Kaul can see the hand writing on the wall, recognize her egocentricity and either resign as the director or from any political association.

Anonymous said...

Yes, blame the Town manager and the council for what's going on at the senior Center. Because of her political connection she runs the Center as she sees fit. Now that her brother isn't prez, things may change. I know many seniors who have left the Center because they do not feel welcomed by Kaull and her "chosen followers".
Why isn't there a member of the Council on the board? Barbara VonVillas would serve well as a liasion to the Center. Then MAYBE Ms Kaull would run the Center for ALL Middletown seniors. I must be dreaming... as the "Seniorgate Saga" continues!
Thanks Eileen for for all the research, time and effort you have given this issue . Let's hope there will be a positive result.

Unknown said...

Is there a Council liason appointed? Hmm- good question! I'll follow up on that one.

Thanks for the comment.