Bush's "Tough Times"
I just listened to the Pres. speak:
"No doubt about it- we're in tough times."
I swear if that man were in front of me, I'd slap him.
So nice of "the decider" to finally decide that we're in a bloody mess & then go merrily on his multi-millionaire way. Thanks to Ronald Reagan, less government is better, trickle-down economics, "mission accomplished," blah, blah, blah. And another very special thanks to all the Republicans and some Democrats who told us repeatedly that all that these were good things and the rest of us were liberal, heart-bleeing, latte-drinking, Eastern elites. No, it's not about class warfare at all. Warren Buffet got it a long time ago. His class won.
Yes, less gov't was better until Wall St. found itself constipated & needed a suppository of our $. Government. What you love to hate until you need it.
"No doubt about it- we're in tough times."
I swear if that man were in front of me, I'd slap him.
So nice of "the decider" to finally decide that we're in a bloody mess & then go merrily on his multi-millionaire way. Thanks to Ronald Reagan, less government is better, trickle-down economics, "mission accomplished," blah, blah, blah. And another very special thanks to all the Republicans and some Democrats who told us repeatedly that all that these were good things and the rest of us were liberal, heart-bleeing, latte-drinking, Eastern elites. No, it's not about class warfare at all. Warren Buffet got it a long time ago. His class won.
Yes, less gov't was better until Wall St. found itself constipated & needed a suppository of our $. Government. What you love to hate until you need it.
of course this has nothing to do with democrats who supercharged the Community Redevelopment Act to lend money in the name of political correctness to minorites and the poor who could not hope to pay it back, no democrats are blameless, like the democrats who run Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and gave millions - that right millions to powerful democrats who chaired House and Senate oversight committees so they would look the other way. Or how about Democrat blameless hero Jack Reed who accepted 2.5 million dollars from Freddie and Fannie, no we pure democrats are blameless, its all Reagan and evil Bush. Grow UP! Government caused this problem, not free markets. Free markets, left to their own, don't invest in risky sub primes, unless government and politically correct democrats like you and your ilk tell them they must to achieve some lofty social goal. Normally I can read your drivel and just chuckle and go to legitimate website, but I will confess that your blame Bush for everything mentality really gets under my skin, especially when its such a sophomoric lie!
Yup, yup, yup. It was those dumb, poor minorities who got us all into this mess. Imagine! Expecting the "American dream" was meant for them, too. Of course, theirs were legitimate loans not involved in the sub-prime mess, but why let facts clutter everything up.
BTW, I don't blame Bush for everything. He was nowhere around (to be seen anyway) when my dog was skunked.
And thanks for the comments. Sure made my day. George W. can still bring out the the love even though his own Party has disowned him. I guess that John McCain just hasn't realized that yet.
I disagree to some extent with both of your comments.
What our leaders and many citizens completely lack is personal accountability and responsibility. The lack of personal accountability and responsibility from our political leaders(both parties), business leaders (political ) and citizens accounts for the vast majority of our country's problems. There is no one group, party or person to blame.
The "American Dream" is sought by everyone regardless of income level. I live in a fairly modest home on Wapping Road. I would like to live in a home that's for sale on Indian Avenue directly on the Sakonnet River. I would also like to have a new car with a built in GPS system and electric windows. My income, however, while respectable, isn't enough to allow me to support the mortgage for the Indian Avenue home. Therefore, my desire to live in the Indian Avenue home remains a dream. And that's ok. I'm also not going to buy the new car because I have to make choices and I have to prioritize about what I want for the future and what I need for right now. I can't have it all. And that's ok.
What I have today wasn't given to me. I've had to work hard for it beginning in grade school, through college and in my work. I don't cry foul because someone has more than I do.
Personal accountability and responsibility requires all of us to work within our means. It's unethical. People bought homes that they could not afford. People signed agreements that they did not understand. People used their homes as ATM machines against virtual equity. People charged against credit cards that they could not pay back.
Their failure to pay their obligations created was a catalyst for disaster. If the money doesn't flow back to the banks, they can't lend to anyone else.
This is a simple lesson. I grabbed the concept when I was about 9 years old from watching "Its a Wonderful Life".
Political leaders from both major parties think that government is the answer for delivering the "American Dream" to every home in the nation without requiring effort from the citizens they believe that are helping. This kind of "do gooding" doesn't inspire personal accountability from those that are helped and is completely irresponsible.
Financial companies bought up the subprime mortgages or in their reconstituted forms to make big profits and they did so with a great deal of risk, but without regard to the long term impact on the national economy. That is completely unethical and irresponsible. Paying the leaders of these financial institutions without delivering positive results is unethical and irresponsible.
We, and that includes "Anonymous" and Eileen, need to acknowledge that our economic nightmare was caused by the actions and policies of many individuals, and institutions at all levels of our society. We all are accountable and we all are responsible for fixing it.
You & I are in total agreement. There's plenty of blame to go around. And we all are in charge of fixing it which will be neither easy nor quick.
I was particularly irked yesterday when the Prez finally decided that everything wasn't fine & shopping wasn't the solution. Like many others, I've seen a lifetime of savings & hard work begin to evaporate over a few days' time. Of course, it's not the first time, is it? I certainly recall the Navy pullout in '73.
Harry Truman kept a sign on his desk that "the buck stops here." When did that idea fly away? We depended on our leaders to- lead. They let us down & we, the voters, certainly share in that let-down. If we hand't been asleep at the wheel, they would not have been either.
Alan, you are indeed a rarity. You posted your name! Thanks for the time & energy in the thoughtful posting. Feel free anytime! You don't even have to agree with me! It's actually more fun & challenging when people do not. I try not to be nasty when posting, but sometimes... At least I didn't receive threatening phone calls this time.
Life certainly is interesting, isn't it?
Much of what we do in this world depends on transparency. So many of our problems can be related to the lack of it. Standing up in full view with our thoughts and beliefs works to establish respect and trust.
Wait wait I am confused... a post ago, or two, it was all Evil Bush's fault, now all the sudden, there's plenty of blame to go around??? I agree, that Evil Bush should never have made Jack Reed take 2 million dollars from the banking industry he was overseeing on his committee, and Evil Bush, should never have forced Fanny and Freddy to make loans to low income people.. Darm that Evil Bush!!! or was it the "Guv", now I really am confused.
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