Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New Improved Poll!

Phooey! I made mistakes on the other & couldn't correct it. So I'm taking a mulligan. Vote again!


Nomi said...


I am not from or in Portsmouth, and I am unaffiliated from political parties, and I Love Your Blog, and have practically since it's birth.

OK, it took me a week or two to start reading, (thanks to Thomas Kalinowski --that's how I first heard of it), but I am NOT surprised to have company.

Librarians Rule!

Anonymous said...

If those possessing information (or knowing how to access it) actually ruled the world, we surely would!

Tom "the Wild Man" Kalinowski often makes my day! Gotta love him.

Always nice to hear from you. You may as well vote in the poll, too. Makes it far more interesting (but VERY unscientific)- just like the "real" polls!