Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another Voice on Middletown's Little Secret

Ron Santa publishes the "Middletown Newsletter" online. He has been doing this for years & previously published a hardcopy. Ron usually features more detail than the newspapers along with background & some opinion (he's really hung up on the clock). Read his latest edition for a good overall pic on everything that happened at the last Coucil meeting.

Don't forget his editorial note at the end:
"The motion by the Council is a clever, but not so subtle, attempt to keep the llid on the jar and to keep the residents of the Town in the dark! Such action will aggravate the citizen’s mistrust and will further expand the notion that this Council is hiding something extremely important. The Council majority must reverse its position and do the right thing. Hold an open public meeting to clear the air
Ron & I don't always politically agree on everything, but we are certainly aligned on this.

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