Sunday, March 30, 2008

Middletown Narrows Town Admin. Search

A nationwide search drew 54 applicants for the Town Admin. position. It was recently narrowed down to 10. The Council can now decide on interviews after it is submitted for the next Council meeting.

There are seven town residents on the committee doing the search: Lucie-Anne Dionne-Thomas (sec'y of the Town Charter Commission & captain in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the U.S. Naval Reserves), Francis A. Forgue (former Math teacher & School/Town Committee candidate), Carol Hale (realtor), Mason Hawes (science teacher), Arthur R. Thomas (lawyer), Manuel Mello (frequent Council addresser), and Jack Richardson (Newport Hardware owner & former banker).
No non-residents were allowed on this group which is a pity. Being pressed for time by the Council, they used the same criteria used in 2003 to hire recently departed T. Admin. G. Kempen (gee, that didn't work out too well, did it).

$12,691 is the expected search cost which is expected to results in a new T. Admin. Hopefully, resulting in enough time for the locals to forget all about the brouhaha before Nov. elections.
BTW, this amount COULD HAVE paid for the recent contract awarded to cover the costs of the Sr. Center painting to their dining room.

Thanks to Projo's Meaghan Wims for the info.

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