Monday, March 05, 2007

R.I. Trash Talk

Projo has an interesting article today on the State Planning Council who are mulling submitting a plan to the State Lege for new plans regarding implementing proposals which will extend the life of the Johnson Land Fill for another 25 years. "The key strategy for improving the rates is a pay-as-you-throw statewide trash collection program."

This plan would encourage recycling by hauling recyclable trash for free. Other trash would be removed for a per-bag fee (usually $1). Removal would be covered by taxes or by setting a uniform fee. Revenues fom the fee-per-bag would cover the landfill dumping fees. "The fee-per-bag system is used in hundreds of communities in Massachusetts and Connecticut and in more than 4,000 communities across the nation." A few towns in R.I. use modified plans.

"In 2005, the Resource Recovery Corporation, which operates the landfill and the recycling operation, offered nearly $500,000 in grants to help cities and towns pay for the startup costs associated with launching a pay-as-you-throw program. No community applied." Too bad Middletown didn't take advantage of this.

"That’s why the draft plan suggests that legislators mandate a new approach." There will be more info on this as this group solidifies its recommendations.

Thanks to Projo for the info.

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