Thursday, January 04, 2007

Today from D.C. Senate Swearing-in Ceremonies

I went today to see Sen. Whitehouse sworn-in. It is a beautiful day here is D.C. Probably in the 60's, slightly overcast. The Senate itself has limited seating space for visitors, so guests were all in a Senate office building - Dirksen. We were in a large, paneled hearing room on the 3rd floor. Other receptions were being held in other buildings & on other floors. There were 250-300 people in attendance. Lots of union & political leaders. Others who were family members & those involved in the campaign were there.

The only ones I saw from the district were Middletown Councilman Silveira, former Councilman Vallaincourt, & Dem. Chair, Dick Adams. There were soft drinks & food. Large screen t.v.'s were around the large room as was a large circular dais with a table equipped with mikes. Most guests were standing. It was a varied audience with young children & teens present.

Sen. Reed was present for awhile as was Sen. Dodd. from Ct. Sen. Whitehouse was present for about 1 1/2 hrs. As my husband said, it will certainly be a relief for him when all the R.I.'ers leave & he can give him right arm a rest!

At high noon the big screens went on. V.P. Dick Cheney convened the Senate. Senators then went up four at a time (with the other Sen. not elected this cycle) & were sworn in. Whitehouse was last & was called up individually with Jack Reed. A huge cheer went up from the guests. My teenager lately told me that he noticed Sen. Clinton was the only one that Cheney did not shake hands with.

Tonight there is a party at a local eatery. I think the crowd may not be as large & I may actually have time & space to converse. There is certainly a ton of security in Wash. now. It's been a few years since I was here last.


Thomas Kalinowski said...

About that handshake . . .

I posted a diary about this on Daily Kos, and one of the commenters said that there were a number of Dems who didn't shake Cheney's hand. Apparently, "Dick" shook hands with anyone who offered.

Anonymous said...

Senator Akaka from Hawaii turned down an offer for the ceremonial swearing in photo with Cheney.