Sunday, May 27, 2007

Newport Police Memorial For Michael J. Harrington

Every yr. the FOP, Newport runs a large ad in the D.News for the deceased members of the Newport Police Dept. Nice. And every Xmas the surviving spouse receives a large basket of foodstuffs. Very nice. A lot of these older cops didn't receive much of a pension.
Michael J. Harrington died July 27, 1972. I never met him. He was my husband's uncle & married to Hannah Spillane Harrington who is also deceased. They lived in Newport on Mann Ave. next to St. Joe's
Michael, my son, is named after this uncle. My husband knew him well. He & his wife helped raised Frank. Michael was an immigrant from Ireland during "The Troubles." He was in the IRA & it was thought that he best come over here after an "incident." He was only a teenager.
His wife, Hannah, was also an immigrant who came over as a teen before WWI. She was the cook at the Rectory after having been in service most of her young life for the Bellevue crowd. My husband last saw him when he ret'd from his Army service. Family told Frank that Mike had been holding on for his return. He was dying of cancer.
A piece of old Newport. Gone, but not forgotten.

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