Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day! with music!

Begosh & begorrah, today's the day. Jim McGrath & the Reprobates and others will be performing from 7-11 at the Fastnet Pub- 1 Broadway, Newport. Good food there. I haven't seen these guys in years. One of my first dates with my hubby was to see them downtown at One Pelham East. There was a bouncer & lines waiting to get it AND a cover charge. Ah, the good old days. It was wild in downtown Newport & this was one of the action places. I never paid any cover.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44RDtfX_mvk (another version of below with better sound)

When I was in h.s. those damnable IRA blew up Lord Nelson's statue standing in the middle of O'Connell St. in Dublin. It had been a target before, but these fellows put an end to that symbol of English tyranny & colonialism standing in the midst of its capital. Tommy Makem & the Clancy Bros. wrote a song about it. Praise to all of them! Without them who'd know a darn thing about "real" non-Paddy (Irish-Amer.) music. Up the Republic!

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