Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Metaphor Policy

Bloggers, inevitably, tend to use a lot of metaphorical language. Given that this blog is primarily concerned with politics here in Rhode Island, aka the Ocean State, it will be my policy, when using metaphors, to always choose a nautical metaphor (eg "learn the ropes", "weigh anchor", "in the doldrums") over a non-nautical metaphor of similar meaning (eg "get up to speed", "hit the road", "in a rut"). The same, of course, will apply to similes, where necessary.


Anonymous said...

Shiver-me-timbers! This does represent a sea-change, doesn't it? Is this in response to Middletown's "fishgate?" What did you know & when did you know it, you landlubber-you.
I did e-mail the NDN re: Cap'n Mike's existence. And quite nicely, I thought. But no response yet, me hearties.
Does this new policy also involve ingesting large amounts of spinach?
I've got to set sail now & ride into the sunset. "That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more!"

Thomas Kalinowski said...

Are you sure you aren't going a little overboard, Eileen?

Anonymous said...

Well, hang me from the yardarm & relegate me to Davy Jones' locker. You've sure knocked the wind out of my sails.

Nomi said...

I may institute a Baseball Metaphor bias policy in one of my blogs.

Could you be in that ballpark, Tom?


Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing with us
thanks ,,

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