Friday, February 01, 2008

Tiverton H.S. Not Yet in Compliance

Projo is reporting that Tiverton High School lost prelim State approval "for its plan to comply with new high school graduation requirements, which go into effect for this year’s senior class."
Uh-oh. Four reasons were given, one having " to do with the continuing labor dispute that has left the school district without a contract."
Scrap those plans & the new requirements. If admin. & staff aren't speaking nicely to each other, this is virtually impossible to accomplish. The School board also is cancelling two teacher training/planning days. Too bad. This could have been ironed out then.
A grace period for meeting all state requirements runs until 2012. Looks like they are going to need it. Too bad everyone concerned can't make nice & actually speak with each other. I think it's called "negotiating" rather than "Mission-Impossible."

Thanks to Projo reporter Gina Macris.

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