Monday, December 17, 2007

Newport House 75 Election on Tues.

I've given you the link for the polls - 8 AM until 9 PM. So vote! Don't, as the Daily News suggests, vote solely Republican for no other reason than that poor Party just can't seem to win an Assembly election in this State & the few that it did win recently are primarily in jeopardy.
I suggest voting for Cicilline, although I'm quite sure that Republican Coaty is a decent guy, too.
I was doing some work for Bud on Thurs., sending a GOTV mailing to 3000. They had a regular stamp & a return address of former Rep. Crowley's wife. This stoic woman had signed ALL 3,000 herself. My hat's off to her. She did her husband proud.
There were appx. 20 volunteers of ALL ages from pre-schoolers (hoping for snow the next day) to seniors. Bud's sister was there helping, too. We folded, stuffed, labeled, stamped, & sealed. Mail went out the next day so everyone has rec'd their note. Sorry, I was so darn busy that I didn't even have time to read it.
Yes, it's going to be cold & icy. Call his headquarters at Bellevue Gardens if you need a ride. Perhaps someone could send me the phone number.
Your vote counts! Good government requires your participation. This election covers most of Newport except for the northeast (Reps. Rice & Jackson).


Anonymous said...

The number I received in email for those who want to volunteer is 862-2560. I don't know if that is the HQ number or someone's home number. The name given in the email was Joe.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I put the # in the newest article.