Thursday, November 22, 2007


I see that the local paper is soliciting "I'm grateful for..." letters from the public. So here goes mine.

Our county is so lucky to have a newspaper with local ownership. That's actually the bottom line. I commend all the reporters, columnists, staffers, delivery people, ad writers, graphic artists, etc. who work there. I salute the ownership & management. With papers either going under or owned by conglomerates, we're downright lucky here. So hats off to the "Daily News."

The same thanks to the weeklies: "The Mercury" and "Newport This Week."

I'm thankful for the Viking Raiders. They look like "The Wild Bunch" extras but perform so many generous acts of kindness for the community. If I ever get a "hog," I'm with them.

I'm thankful that this year in time my family is healthy and secure. I feel great after some recent surgery. Thanks to R.I. Hospital & Dr. Beth Ryder along with her assosciates for taking such great care of me. I've lived to be older than my Dad. Who knew?

Thankyou to URI. My son is happy there.

I'm lucky to have so many friends. The reason I love politics is easy- the people I meet. Not those I'd meet in my own everyday tiny circle. I'm happy for those who win & shed a tear for those who don't. The Democrats, Ocean State Action, & the NEA are groups that also come to mind.

I love my blog & all my blogger friends. I travel around the State, the country, & the world in the comfort of my armchair with my laptop.
I'm appreciate my two pets- Spooky the cat & Holly the dog. I am thankful to the many who help me take care of them- making them healthy, happy, & beautiful.

I'm grateful for my family. Yeah, you're nuts, but then I fit right in with you. And you make me laugh & laugh with me.

I'm thankful that I have a comfortable home to live in. It's not Tara, but it works for me. And I'm delighted with my new toilets' purchase. Who knew one could get excited over them?

I'm thankful for PBS & the new Public Radio station. You broaden my horizons, challege my thinking, & keep me informed. The same thanks to cable t.v.

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