Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Second Beach is Open!

I bought my beach sticker - $45 for a resident. Slightly less for those 65 & over, slightly more for non-residents.

Since my mother didn't raise any fools and I had two sons ready two swim, I asked the water temp - 62!! So I passed. Doubt it it's much warmer in Newport either.

It's COLD!


Anonymous said...

cool! actually, compared to the water up in the Pacific Northwest (where I live) that's SO warm! here it's all of 50 or 40 degrees. It stinks.
fun blog, I like it!
(sorry for commenting super random, it's kind of my nature, ;)) be sure to check out my blog! www.twolittleraindrops.blogspot.com

Matt A. said...

62 is bath water for new englanders!

Anonymous said...

You been smokin' some of those funny little ciggies meant for those in pain??
I AM a New Englander & 62 is cold!