Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Middletown Library Again

Middletown Council met last night & they discussed....the public library & director (Robert L. Balliot, Jr.). Talk about your wedge issue. Divisive politics at its worse. Will this clean our beaches, lower our taxes, improve our schools? No, but it sure is distracting from all those nasty things.
The Director & Board should have issued a joint public statement which could have diffused some of the currect vicious rumors, gossip, & comments (some initiated by the former director). Perhaps the Chair still could. My suggestion to get beyond this is for the board to appoint a special seach commission. Draw on all segments of the town to help in the search for a new director.
Like I've mentioned before, the library board is one of the most powerful in the town, second only to the School Committee (and they're elected). They negotiate contracts, hire personnel, make policy, have their own budget. The town has no power over them except in their appointments to the board. They could always cut their budget, but then the state retaliates by severely eliminating/reducing funding. The library board answers only to state laws & regs. Guess everyone has finally noticed.

But there is good news here. Not too long ago there was stike talk, I believe. I do believe that a settlement for all the library workers who actually make the library work is close. Working out a contract mutually beneficial to both sides isn't easy. This probably won't even make it to the press. And Barbara Camadeco is temp Director. That is good news!