Dems Respond To Nazi Type Cartoon in NDN
Over the last few days, several letters and a cartoon have appeared in the Newport Daily News either inferring or directly attributing to the Middletown Democratic Town Committee a role in orchestrating the resignation of the Middletown Library Director, Mr. Robert Balliot.
To clarify the matter, as a matter of law, policy, and custom, the Committee does not now, nor has it ever attempted to involve itself with the functions of the Library Board.
Because two of the six members of the Library Board and the Council liaison are also members of the Middletown Democratic Town Committee, I imagine that those who wish to find a conspiracy will do so regardless of the truth of the matter. That is unfortunate, and probably says more about a desire to polarize discussion of town problems rather than engage in civil discourse. But to repeat, the Middletown Democratic Town Committee has no role in Library Board functions, and has no opinion on the resignation of Mr. Balliot.
Several letters and Daily News editorials have lamented the absence of civility in public meetings. It is unfortunate that the Daily News chose to add to this lack of civil discourse by printing an offensive cartoon which, by its prominent placement and lack of disclaimer, appeared to be a Daily News editorial statement on the Library Director controversy.
As a retired naval officer and Middletown citizen actively involved in the affairs or our town, I was deeply troubled by the sketch drawn by Chil Mott. I have defended and will continue to defend our constitutional freedoms. I respect Mott’s right to draw and publish cartoons, even if the message is untrue. But to label the Democratic Committee, of which I am proud to be Chair, as engaging in the suppression of our freedoms is insulting, disgusting and downright despicable. If Mott has evidence to support such a claim, I challenge Mott to produce it.
I suppose the sheer nastiness of the cartoon is appealing to Mott, and may in some way fulfill a desire to disparage and belittle those who work to improve our town, state and nation. I feel nothing but pity and sorrow for such a sordid world view.
I cannot guess what prompted Mott to take an absurdly illogical leap from a controversy between the Library Board and the Library Director to suppression of constitutional freedoms by the Middletown Democratic Committee. Perhaps it is a desire to emulate Joseph Goebbels who said “…tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, [and] people will eventually come to believe it.”, or perhaps simple ignorance. I certainly hope it is the latter.
At the very least Mott owes an apology to all Middletown citizens who participate in the political process. We owe them our thanks, not Mott’s sadly misguided, ugly cynicism.
If you are interested in working to improve our town and country, I urge you to repudiate the repellent view expressed by the Mott cartoon and whether Democrat, Republican or unaffiliated, participate in the political process.
The Middletown Democratic Town Committee is proud to have played a small part in creating a sea change in our Congressional leadership and we will continue to work for the election of Democratic candidates at all levels. We do not and will not interfere in the operation of Town committees and boards.
Richard Adams
Chair, Middletown Democratic Town Committee