Monday, December 11, 2006

Ain't Nazis "Cute?"

I've seen a few postings in the newspaper & on other blogs refer to the "cute" and "clever" cartoon drawn by "Middletown First's" Chil Mott (boyfriend of Gail Greenwood). These 1933 photos are what the clever cartoonist based his cartoon on. This is when the "brown shirts" burned books by Jews & others. Books by Freud, Einstein, Thomas Mann, Jack London, H.G. Wells and many others went up in flames as they gave the Nazi salute.

To refer to Middletown Democrats in this way is not only insulting, but immoral. These hate-mongering groups executed and murdered millions. It demonstrates a cartoonist who is far from "clever," but trivializes an historical event to summarily demonize a local political group. Mr. Mott attempts to stir up the basest human emotions while being held accountable to no one.

Equating local Democrats with Nazis smack of a vicious political smear. If these are the kind of friends the former library director kept, his leaving seems no great loss to me. This smear also took the form of setting me up as the next director, should I lose the Senate election. It seems to have originated with the library director & others. I hope not.

But that's how these groups work - there has to be a villain(s) to hate , blame, and distract from the real problems - pollution, and taxes, jobs, war, and healthcare. So you tell me who should be wearing the black (or brown) hat here. Library trustees, take heart! You can't fool all of the people all of the time. Cute, indeed.


Anonymous said...

There should be a ban on people who scream 'Nazi' every time they get a parking ticket.
Or maybe mandated history classes.

Anonymous said...

LOLZ, you r soo DUM. Political cartoonz are supposed to exagerate thingz in order to make a point. That's why sometimes they show george bush with like a GIGANTIC face. DUH! Oh well, looks like you lose at teh internetz! Ok? Oh and you most certainly were NOT on a roll. LOL!

Unknown said...

No kidding, that's what a political cartoon is? I thought George just had a really big face. Duh, at least I can spell. LOLZ.