Thursday, July 06, 2006

Healthcare for ALL Rhode Islanders

States are finally making healthcare a top priority. Mass. already has a plan & other states have it on their agenda. There are different models out there.
Connecticut Democrats are making it their Number One priority this election cycle. Federal, statewide, & legislative candidates are all promoting this agenda. See the link for the Ct. plans.

Don't tell me this can't be done. I was out there at the Anchorage housing when the Katrina victims arrived. I have seen what Rhode Islanders can do when we decide we WILL accomplish a task. It is possible & if the federal government is asleep, that leaves us with no choice. We can proably do a better job anyway!

I like the idea that Dr. Nick Tsiongas (Tiverton) has come up with. He wants to use R.I. Blue Cross to cover everyone. See his ideas in "The Policy Reporter" May issue. I believe that he's expanding on this idea with Lt. Gov. Fogarty. The time has come! We pay through our state taxes to cover many uninsured under RITE care anyway. Why not cover everyone?

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